Drug Charges: Is It Possible to Avoid Prison in Alabama?
Drug Charges: Is It Possible to Avoid Prison in Alabama?
There are many things about so-called “street” drugs that may surprise you. For instance, did you know data suggests that more than 10 percent of people in Alabama and all other states over the age of 12 have tried illicit drugs in the past month?
How Do I Choose a Criminal Defense Lawyer? Three Things to Look For
How Do I Choose a Criminal Defense Lawyer? Three Things to Look For
Whether you have been charged with a misdemeanor or serious felony, hiring a criminal defense attorney can mean the difference between paying serious penalties and spending time behind bars, or regaining your life and freedom.
D.U.I. / D.W.I.: How To Ruin A Christmas Party
D.U.I. / D.W.I.: How To Ruin A Christmas Party
A D.U.I. / D.W.I. charge can ruin an otherwise wonderful evening. Office Christmas parties, or “Holiday Parties” for more progressive companies, generate almost as many D.U.I. / D.W.I. arrests as embarrassing stories and gossip.