Preparing to Meet Your Lawyer

Should You Prepare To Meet Your Lawyer?

Conversations between defendants and their lawyers are protected by the attorney-client privilege. As long as you speak in private, where no one else can eavesdrop, and you do not share the details of that conversation with anyone else, everything you say is confidential – even if you only meet once.

When preparing to meet your lawyer, remember that even the smallest detail can matter in your defense. If you want to get the most out of your consultation, you want to make sure your lawyer has the clearest picture of the situation. Yes, you should prepare for your first meeting.

Maximize The Benefit Of Your Initial Consultation

At The Law Office of Brian J. Lockwood, LLC, in Mobile, Alabama, we believe that everyone deserves access to a competent lawyer, which is why we offer initial consultations. During your consultation, we will answer your questions, explain your rights and give you an honest assessment of your case.

Before the meeting, we encourage you to think about the “who, what, where, when, why and how” of your situation. This includes:

  • All paperwork or documents you have received from search warrants and police reports to court notices

  • Potential witnesses to the events, the actions of the police or your character

  • The circumstances that alerted police to the possibility of a crime

  • The justification police gave you for a search or your arrest

  • Any statements you made to police, whether you said them “spur-of-the-moment” in a conversation or during a formal interrogation

  • Statements the police said or did not say, like whether they read you the Miranda warning

  • Results of any tests that were taken, including subjective field sobriety tests or chemical breath, blood or urinary analysis tests

  • Questions you might have about the criminal justice process and your rights

  • Unique circumstances in your individual life, like if you are the sole guardian of minor children who would be affected by any incarceration

Do Not Hesitate To Call Now – Even On Weeknights And Weekends

Law enforcement is an around-the-clock job, and your need for a criminal defense attorney will not always fit neatly within a nine-to-five workday. We answer every phone call or respond to every message personally, and our attorney will meet you off-site. Call or send an email to schedule your initial consultation.

No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.