Spring Break Music Festivals and Events a Hotbed for Arrests

By Brian J Lockwood LLC

When spring and summer approach in Alabama, it is a time for people to get out of the house and enjoy various events. That includes spring break and the beaches; the Spring Fling Music; the Hangout Fest; Mardi Gras and more. Legislators, law enforcement and event promoters want people to have a good time at these gatherings. However, that does not involve legal violations. People might be accused of committing various crimes including drug violations, assault, weapons charges, theft and driving under the influence. Regardless of the reason for an arrest, it is crucial to be cognizant of the potential long-term ramifications and do whatever possible to fight the charges.

Spring break beach rules can lead to arrests

Alabama is a popular destination for spring break. Specifically, that includes the state beaches at Gulf Shores and Orange Beach. Revelers who are either unaware of the various laws for the beaches or are accused of violating them could be confronted with a litany of problems if they are convicted.

For Gulf Shores, alcohol has been banned on the beach since 2016. This stemmed from people having been caught and arrested drinking alcohol and using drugs. One incident involved a football being thrown at law enforcement officers, sparking an arrest. Still, people will inevitably try to sneak alcohol and narcotics onto the beach. If a person is caught and charged, this will warrant an understanding of the law and strategies to address the charges.

For Orange Beach, warnings were issued early to people who might have been under the impression that spring break meant there were no rules. Law enforcement made certain to emphasize that violations would lead to an arrest. That includes people drinking alcohol while underage and being caught in possession of illegal drugs. There are other violations that can result in an interaction with law enforcement such as sleeping in their automobile, listening to loud and offensive music and being on the beach with a glass container. These might seem small, but charges can escalate especially if the person tries to flee or has a confrontation with law enforcement.

Theft can also be a problem

One recent incident in which a group of people – many of whom were from Alabama – were said to have taken part in vandalizing a Florida Walmart. There was also a shooting. Seventy-eight people accused of taking part were said to have been from the Alabama. Law enforcement in that state is aggressively pursuing charges. Since people were behaving that way in Florida, it is not a stretch to think there could be similar copycat incidents in other states, including Alabama, during the upcoming events and gatherings. Gun crimes will inevitably rise to felony status, but theft and vandalism can also be serious. People might think that a minor theft is not a major problem. However, not knowing the value of an item could result in taking something that is exceedingly expensive and rise to the level of a felony charge.

Local, attentive assistance is imperative when facing criminal charges

Even though there are frequent roundups and arrest, it does not necessarily mean that the people who have been accused are guilty. There are myriad reasons why a person might have been charged including simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. This is often categorized as predominately impacting younger people and college students, but it can happen to anyone. Parents of college students and people who were caught up in a litany of arrests in the spring and summer should be prepared. To understand the charges and formulate an effective criminal defense, it is imperative to have guidance from people who provide one-on-one attention and can help with seeking a positive resolution.