
Should Your Child Accept a Plea Deal in His Drug Case?

Should Your Child Accept a Plea Deal in His Drug Case?

There’s a lot on the line when facing drug charges. If it’s your child that’s been hit with accusations of criminal wrongdoing, then you’re probably worried that his or her future is going to be derailed.

How Can You Defend Meth Charges?

How Can You Defend Meth Charges?

The penalties for drug charges related to methamphetamine possession, manufacturing, distribution or trafficking are severe.

Does Drug Possession Carry Jail Time in Alabama?

Does Drug Possession Carry Jail Time in Alabama?

Alabama has some of the nation’s strictest drug possession laws. Many such offenses result in felony charges, which may carry jail time.

I’ve Been Arrested for Drug Possession: What Now?

I’ve Been Arrested for Drug Possession: What Now?

Being pulled over by police is one of the most nerve-racking events you may experience. However, worse than being stopped by Alabama authorities is being arrested on suspicion of drug possession.

Drug Charges: Is It Possible to Avoid Prison in Alabama?

Drug Charges: Is It Possible to Avoid Prison in Alabama?

There are many things about so-called “street” drugs that may surprise you. For instance, did you know data suggests that more than 10 percent of people in Alabama and all other states over the age of 12 have tried illicit drugs in the past month?

Conviction Based on Faulty Evidence? It Happens More Than You Think

Conviction Based on Faulty Evidence? It Happens More Than You Think

Imagine the following nightmare. The police pull you over for a broken tail light or another reason.