Criminal Defense
Three Classes of Ilelgal Drugs: How Do They Differ?
Three Classes of Ilelgal Drugs: How Do They Differ?
Individuals who find themselves facing serious drug charges often learn that the charges that stem from such a crime can vary widely depending on the degree, amount and especially the type of narcotic they possessed.
Are You Really Ready to Plead Guilty to Federal Criminal Charges?
Are You Really Ready to Plead Guilty to Federal Criminal Charges?
When it comes to criminal prosecutions, U.S. attorneys are quite active. In fact, according to the Pew Research Center, there were roughly 80,000 criminal prosecutions in federal court in 2018 alone. The vast majority of these prosecutions ended with defendants agreeing to plead guilty.
How Can Your Answer Questions About Your Past in a Positive Way?
How Can Your Answer Questions About Your Past in a Positive Way?
Telling someone you have a criminal record is most likely met with surprise and distaste most times. You might feel frustrated with how many things your past seems to impact.
Can My Child Still Attend College as a Youthful Offender?
Can My Child Still Attend College as a Youthful Offender?
The mistakes made in youth may follow the person into adulthood and cause a significant impact on future decisions. In Alabama, young people facing criminal charges have an option that may keep their future intact.
Self-checkout and Shoplifting
Self-checkout and Shoplifting
Many large retail stores provide self-checkouts for the convenience of their customers. Although these devices can make it easier for people to quickly complete their shopping trip, they can also make it possible for these shoppers to exit the store without having scanned and paid for everything. As a result, many stores lose substantial amounts of money, as well as merchandise, due to shoplifting.
How Do I Choose a Criminal Defense Lawyer? Three Things to Look For
How Do I Choose a Criminal Defense Lawyer? Three Things to Look For
Whether you have been charged with a misdemeanor or serious felony, hiring a criminal defense attorney can mean the difference between paying serious penalties and spending time behind bars, or regaining your life and freedom.